Hi, my name is
Wouter Hemeryck
and I'm an Application Designer,
IT Strategist & Web Technologist
Wouter Hemeryck
and I'm an Application Designer,
IT Strategist & Web Technologist
What do I do?
Align IT with the needs of the business, its users and customers
Application Designer
Researching the business and the users behind it (both inside and outside the organisation).
- Usability research, design and testing
- Information architecture
- Functional analysis
- Prototyping & sketching
- Visual Design
- Cross channel experience design (phone, tablet, laptop & desktop)
IT Strategist
Helping your organisation building a platform that goes further than software. Linking all bits and bytes inside an organisation.
- Linking business needs to IT solutions
- Research and documenting business needs
- Long-term IT vision & planning
Web Technologist
The best application experience can only be build on top on a solid technology base.
- HTML Stack: HTML, javascript & CSS
- JQuery, LESS, Grunt, ...
- Cross channel web development (phone, tablet, laptop & desktop)
- Performance tuning